

可持续性 - 2015年6月8日


When it comes to adding “green” technology to building projects, the concept seems to have gone from expensive buzzword to standard feature.

Companies are interested in sustainable and energy-saving technology both for the long-term cost advantage and because they see value in creating healthier work environments for their employees.

“而不是脱离常规, 我愿意相信这是一种常态,汤姆·博尔特说, 博尔特公司的首席执行官. “This continues to be a high degree of interest for every customer, 取决于他们的资源和业务.”

在一般情况下, 可持续技术的价格正在下降, partially because demand for LEED certified projects have increased and because the technology is simply becoming more cost effective.

“这是一个非常长期的趋势,马克·汉森说。, 霍夫曼规划公司可持续服务主任, 设计 & 建设公司. “看看20年前一个手机要花多少钱. 看看你今天能得到什么. 这是类似的技术发展.”

石油和天然气价格下跌对项目的影响好坏参半. But because companies are becoming more concerned about health care costs, there’s a growing focus on renovating for corporate wellness — a branch of 可持续性 in terms of employee health, 特里萨·雷曼说, 米隆建筑公司可持续服务总监.公司. Miron’s clients are asking for things like natural lighting and zero-VOC- (volatile organic compound) emitting carpets and paints.

A new ratings system by the International WELL Building Institute developed in partnership with the U.S. 绿色建筑委员会, 所谓好, 这一趋势是否会进一步发展, 旨在消除有毒建筑材料. That’s become easier now that the cost of recycled and low- or zero-VOC materials has become comparable to building materials without these qualities.

“As a result, more of our clients are saying, ‘Well, that’s a no-brainer. Why would I intentionally not select materials that are healthy for my people at the same price as materials that are not healthy?’”雷曼说。.

整体, the cost of many LEED-certified projects with more sustainable features can be completed at the same or better cost of traditional construction, Hanson说.

“We’re working with a large client right now that wants to shrink their carbon footprint per person dramatically,汉森说. “这是他们一开箱即用的要求. 这既有趣又不寻常, but we’re maybe starting to see even more of our clients starting to look at that.”

Clients also are seeking 更多自然光 as a way to help build productivity and make attractive interior environments. 甚至一些制造商也开始在更自然的光线下建造房屋. LED lighting is quickly replacing fluorescents as the preferred lighting choice, 被证明更具成本效益. Some companies want to incorporate 可持续性 into their business so they can show both employees and customers that they take 可持续性 seriously, Boldt说.

“The thing that’s really neat about the industry is they’ve responded to the demand, 所以他们的基本产品现在被认为是“绿色的”, 这很好,博尔特说. “我们现在有了更多的选择.”

Waupaca铸造 is among manufacturers that have focused attention on improving efficiency, 最近被威斯康辛州绿色梯队项目录取, which recognizes businesses that go above and beyond to meet or exceed  environmental standards. (参见“威尼斯注册送38元赢得绿色努力的荣誉”)

“铸造行业竞争非常激烈, and there’s a lot of international competition and pressure as well,布莱恩特·埃施说, 铸造厂的可持续发展官员. “I think forward-thinking foundries know that energy use is one of their primary costs, 如果他们想变得又瘦又刻薄, they have to figure out how to use the energy more efficiently.”

霍夫曼规划设计 & 建设公司. designed the Affinity Clinic in downtown Neenah to incorporate natural light, and it also uses the highly efficient LED lighting in its interior. Clients are seeking energy-saving and sustainable features when they construct new or upgrade existing facilities. The long-term savings, and the decreasing cost of such features, makes them attractive to businesses. 图片由霍夫曼规划设计提供 & 建设公司.

霍夫曼规划设计 & 建设公司. designed the Affinity Clinic in downtown Neenah to incorporate natural light, and it also uses the highly efficient LED lighting in its interior. Clients are seeking energy-saving and sustainable features when they construct new or upgrade existing facilities. The long-term savings, and the decreasing cost of such features, makes them attractive to businesses. 图片由霍夫曼规划设计提供 & 建设公司.

In 2010, the company joined the Department of Energy’s voluntary program to save 25 percent of their energy within 10 years, 全国为数不多的. The foundry also hired a dedicated energy manager for the sole purpose of overseeing projects related to the program, 每说.

About 70 percent of foundry sand by-products are now reused in local projects. It also reduced water use by 80 percent with a new closed-loop system, improved air quality monitoring and it developed a strong heat recovery system.

“We actually returned (waste heat) into the building for heating in the winter,埃施说, ”,, 很明显, 在威斯康辛州, 是一件大事.”
Construction companies also are upgrading their own buildings to be more efficient, provide a better working environment and to create a kind of showcase for their clients.

Hoffman recently completed an addition to its office in the City Center in Appleton and transitioned to LED lighting. Boldt upgraded its headquarters to silver-standard LEED certification, 包括改进的暖通空调系统, 节约水, an energy-saving lighting system with reduced mercury and natural landscaping.

“We thought this would be a very good thing for us to do — it would be a learning experience for us, because most of the work that we have done is with new construction,博尔特说.

Miron upgraded its own gold-LEED-certified headquarters a few years ago, 添加健身中心, 健康主管, 更多自然光, 低挥发性有机化合物的内饰和空气过滤系统.

“People like coming to work because they say they feel better when they’re here,” Lehman says.

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