

全球有限公司 - 2023年6月8日


金正日Phelan | 铸造源

作为高级选角决策者,蒂姆·多恩拥有“不公平”的优势. Amerequip的销售和工程副总裁, 该公司为其OEM合作伙伴生产反铲和其他轮式动力设备, 多恩拥有材料工程学位,主修铁冶金学. He started his career at Neenah Foundry and worked at two other foundries as well as a heat treat/austempering company before arriving at his present position 13 years ago. 变成了他过去铸造的“模子”, 今天已经有了很多经验, 他的铸造专业知识有助于指导有关焊件转换的战略决策. 

在Amerequip的早期, Dorn remembers walking through the plant and being struck by the magnitude of improvement and saving opportunities available to his company by converting many weldment parts to castings. 但并不是所有的公司都有足够的交易量来保证这一转变, Amerequip has since multiplied parts volumes many times over to the point where Dorn and his team have embarked on a mission to identify those with greatest ROI potential as castings. 

经过多年双方铸造厂与客户的关系, 多恩相信合作的价值. 作为前铸造车间和技术经理, he has acquired deep respect for the scientific and process-related knowledge 铸造 engineers bring to new casting designs and casting conversions alike. 铸造源 recently spoke with him to learn what it takes to get to true 铸造 partnership—and why it’s worth it. 

铸造源 Magazine: Casting specifications are of utmost importance––what are the key criteria and attributes you’re looking for when evaluating a 铸造 supplier?

Tim Dorn: We look at the process quality––quality of the casting is one thing but is the process in place repeatable? 值得庆幸的是,凭借我的铸造经验,我能够相当快地完成这些工作. 但是回到前端, 当我们和设计工程师一起工作的时候, 我们正在研究如何给铸件注入(液态金属)。, 以及收缩的方向. Every casting has shrinkage; it’s just a matter of moving it to a place that’s not critical in the form, 适合, 以及部分的函数.


多恩:实体建模软件很重要. 我们最后的演员之一, 哪个是铲斗, 我们在收缩和补铁方面遇到了一些挑战, 因此铸造厂进行了多次凝固检查. 这是一个独特的设计, 这个桶是以前从未在铸造球墨铸铁上做过的, 这是有原因的. 如果他们没有能力对模具进行流动分析, 我不认为我们会取得现在的成功. 

所以,关键是要回答,它们如何支持我们所寻找的东西? 因为我们不会把“手提箱”重量带到铸造厂. 我们带来的不只是保险杠. 我们有非常复杂的铸件. Another example was the backhoe swing frame––this is what the backhoe hangs from off of the tractor. 整个重量, 压力, 挖土机所承受的力量, 直接开始选角, 所以它必须坚如磐石. 

But it’s going to be difficult for somebody that doesn’t have good 铸造 knowledge to judge these things. 

CS: That’s a good point––what would you suggest for a casting buyer who’s never stepped foot in a 铸造? 他们如何才能加快速度,以便能够辨别哪些代工厂最能满足他们的需求?

Dorn: Some foundries offer a “铸造101年” seminar where they walk customers through all the processes for making a casting. They can also reach out to AFS––they have some fantastic classes; I’ve been to many of them. 

然后,走出去参观铸造厂并与他们交谈. 这需要一点努力. 它不会是一本书就能带来的东西. 

The first thing is recognizing the opportunities for their company to convert weldments to castings at a cost bene适合, 良好的投资回报率, 以及产品质量的提高. 我真的相信机会是存在的——我们在这里有更多的机会. 

但坦率地说,这需要公司方面的承诺. 他们必须说到这一点, ‘we do believe there’s opportunity for us in reducing costs and improving product quality by converting a weldment to a casting.’

CS: These days, is the goal of most casting buyers to just get the RFQ out and find the lowest price? 

多恩:我认为它涵盖了方方面面. I’ve met some phenomenal casting buyers who understand the industry and what it means to have a high-quality 铸造. 也许成本会高一些,但最终还是有投资回报率的. 这又回到了接受教育并真正相信它. 如果你没有受过教育,你通常会按价格购买. 

CS: You’ve talked about cost bene适合 and ROI that come with converting a weldment to a casting––what else can a casting buyer leverage by leaning in and listening to their 铸造 partners?

Dorn: I’ll give you an example: We had a step casting that was challenging because of the way we designed it; it was very chunky. 最初,铸造设计几乎完全像焊件. 在铸造厂工作, they came back to us with some excellent ideas on how to lighten that casting up and still not compromise the strength of it. 

威尼斯注册送38元最近在1号厂启用了一条新的水平模具生产线, 他们第一次倒酒的时候就邀请我们去. We saw there might be some new capabilities for us to put castings on there that we couldn’t do otherwise. 我要说的是, 当你和铸造厂谈谈,看看他们有什么, 他们会向你展示你可能不知道的新的可能性. 
老实说,任何人都可以设计一个模式,装配它,浇注它,浇注铸件. 它会问这样的问题,‘你想过这个吗?’并寻找其他的做事方式. 

我们已经让铸造厂为我们竭尽全力, 在周末做流分析, 教育我们, 向我们展示了它的局限性和能力. 甚至一直到最后, 当我们做斗齿的时候, they came in and helped us with developing a trim press die to improve the turn time on production. 

It’s things that you don’t know about or even think about from a 铸造 end—is the 铸造 going to bring these up and present them to us as options? 


多恩:我真的认为这是透明的. 有时候,当你完成这些程序时,你会把卡片放在胸前. 但更好的方法是, 我认为, is really believing that you have a true partnership and becoming more and more transparent about what is going on. 

我们有一个来自沃帕卡的团队来参观我们的工厂. We went as a group through our operation and stopped at any point where anybody saw a weldment that looked like it could be a good casting. 他们会告诉我们他们的想法, 比如“这是一个很薄的部分,你很难喂它。.’ So, we all learned a lot together; that’s invaluable to have that collaboration.  


多恩:这是真正的合作. 我曾经遇到过两支队伍合二为一的情况, 如果你是一个局外人, 不知道我们是谁, 从我们交谈和互动的方式来看,你可能会以为我们都来自同一家公司, 这是惊人的团队合作. 与我们密切合作的两家代工厂, 我们和工程团队建立了很好的关系. 当我们去那里的时候,感觉你只是去和同事见面. 

CS: We’ve heard many unfortunate cases where parts designers create their casting designs kind of in isolation and then ‘throw it over the wall’ for the 铸造 to execute. 当公司有这种心态时会发生什么?

多恩:让我用一种迂回的方式来解释这个问题. 一号, 我们专注于开发铸件, 要么在初始设计中预先设计,要么将现有的焊接件转换为铸件. 我们一直在寻找铸造机会, 我们预先开发这些——我们过去就这样做过, 我们将在未来继续这样做. We have a senior project engineer here at Amerequip and all he focuses on is converting weldments over to castings. 

我们为我们的OEM合作伙伴设计和制造反铲-我们设计轮式, 供电的设备, 割草机, 除雪设备, 有很多不同的产品. 当我们开始一个项目时,我们通常会在一个紧迫的时间内工作. 这些是我们正在开发的非常复杂的设备, so we don’t always have the luxury of going through this product development and tacking on top of that an iron casting development that could push this timeline out months––so it becomes a challenge. 

在我们的工程部, 我们根据成交量来衡量投资回报率, 预测, 和复杂性, 我们开发铸件. 我们通常在Amerequip公司设计初始铸件, 然后我们“把它扔过墙”到铸造厂. We say, ‘this is what we’re thinking; what would you do with this? 你是怎么做到的?’

CS: Sometimes casting customers don’t tell the 铸造 what the end application of the casting is going to be. 隐瞒这些信息的缺点是什么?

Dorn: I would say that’s coming from a company or a buyer who does not understand the 铸造 industry, 或者不够好. 这又回到了你如何让某人相信这段关系的价值? 因为如果他们相信, 然后他们就会明白, “我必须让铸造厂参与最终产品的生产.” 

铸造厂必须真正理解我的需求是什么,而不仅仅是我需要这种形状的铸件.  我们对如何使用铸件是非常透明的. 铸造厂会帮助我们的. 

CS:三年前,许多制造商经历了惨痛的教训才认识到供应链的不可靠性. 在Amerequip发生了什么?

多恩:早在2012年, I got together with our supply chain manager with a focus of pulling all castings back to North America. 几乎每一次选角我们都是这么做的. We started working with Monarch Industries in Canada, a great 铸造 and great people to work with. 我相信我们这里什么都有,除了我们的客户定义的海外供应商. 

CS:这是一个非常偶然的举动, 八年后,一切都在2020年戛然而止! 你为什么要这么做?

多恩:我从2010年开始工作——我和我们的供应链经理谈过, 他知道我在选角方面的背景. 他购买的所有铸件都来自中国,至少大部分来自中国. 我们遇到了质量和交货问题, 我们花了大约两年的时间才把所有东西带回北美.

我之前在Applied 过程任职期间曾去过中国, 我去过他们的一些代工厂,我最初的反应是, 你不知道你会得到什么. 在某些情况下, 他们可以把你的图案从一个铸造厂搬到另一个城市的另一个铸造厂, 你甚至不会意识到. 所以,你失去了整个过程的完整性. 

在与供应链经理的讨论中, 我说过,我们得好好看看因为不管我们得到了什么, 我们无法追溯. 这才是真正让我们回到美国的原因,这对我们来说是件好事.

I’m not going to say that was always at a cost reduction; there was a cost impact to us in some cases. 但我们意识到的是更好的反应, 和我们购买铸件的人关系更好, and we were able to have inventory held here in the United States––we knew there was inventory available even if there was an issue. 从长远来看,这对我们有利. 不幸的是,买家通常只会看交割时的低价格和肮脏价格. 他们不会考虑其他任何事情, 比如整个生命周期的ROI或者由于质量问题而侵蚀客户关系的成本. 

CS: What do you want casting buyers and designers to walk away with and maybe try to put into practice?

多恩:真的到了(1), 如果你是一家中型到大型的制造公司, 类似Amerequip, 要知道,在你的日常工作中有很多选角的机会, 每一天, 这样既能省钱又能提高产品质量. 然后(2),接受教育,让你了解铸造过程是什么.  

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